Stock Status: In Stock
The clearly defined heartwood is dark brown, with very close, fine, almost black veins. The closely spaced whitish bands of parenchyma give the wood a most attractive appearance. It is fairly straight grained with a coarse texture.
The high natural resistance to abrasion makes this timber very suitable for flooring strips or blocks. Also used for interior and exterior joinery and general construction work. It is an excellent turnery wood. Wenge is unsuitable for plywood manufacture because of its weight but it is sliced for panelling and decorative veneers for cabinets, marquetry, etc.
Looking for a m2 price for Wenge as veneer or layons. Click the button below to email us.
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Natural and Dyed Veneers come in bundles. A bundle is made up of leaves and so all sizes are different.
Reconsistuted Veneers however are different. As these are man-made they come in sheets please click here to see the sizes in which they are available.
Below is the technical information surrounding our Wenge veneer.
Commercial Names:
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